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Talymed® Enables Fast, Easy Wound Management

In clinical studies Talymed proved highly effective for managing serious, chronic wounds. Talymed is non-immunogenic with no known contraindications. To learn more, contact us today.

Long Standing Venous Leg Ulcer

A persistent venous leg ulcer treated with Talymed was healed by the third application.

venous leg ulcer before
Week 1
Prior to treatment
venous leg ulcer after
Week 7
After three applications with Talymed

Diabetic Foot Ulcer

This patient's diabetic foot ulcer healed in two weeks following a single treatment with Talymed.

diabetic foot ulcer before
Day 1
Prior to treatment
diabetic foot ulcer after
Day 14
Healed after one treatment with Talymed

Severe Diabetic Foot Ulcer

Following Talymed applied three times in one month, this severe diabetic foot ulcer was healed.

severe diabetic foot ulcer
Day 1
Prior to treatment
diabetic foot ulcer treatment
Day 7
After one treatment with Talymed
healing a diabetic foot ulcer
Day 14
After two treatments with Talymed
healed diabetic foot ulcer
Day 30
Healed after three treatments with Talymed

talymed wound healing

To learn more about Talymed's advanced wound healing properties, please contact us today.

Indications for Use:
Talymed® is indicated for the management of wounds including: diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers, pressure wounds, ulcers caused by mixed vascular etiologies, full thickness and partial thickness wounds, second degree burns, surgical wounds-donor sites/grafts, post-mohs surgery, post-laser surgery, and other bleeding surface wounds, abrasions, lacerations, traumatic wounds healing by secondary intention, chronic vascular ulcers, dehisced surgical wounds.

Safety Information:
PRECAUTIONS: There are no known contraindications to the use of Talymed®.
CAUTION: Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician or other licensed practitioner.

Manufactured by Marine Polymer Technologies, Inc. For instructions for use or additional product information, please contact us.

  • 9,139,664
  • 9,139,663
  • 8,871,247

Talymed® - Ordering Information:

Item # Description Matrix Size
400-20 Talymed 5 cm x 5 cm 25 sq cm
400-35 Talymed 3 cm x 3 cm 9 sq cm